Friday, August 26, 2005
Not Up For the Challenge?
I cannot control the spam that I get in my inbox. Most of the junk I get involves some sort of poll, survey or quiz I need to take. Today's spam subject matter was "Coke vs. Pepsi, you take the challenge."
For a moment I thought I was back inside summer 1987 during the height of the Pepsi Challenge days. I even remember gathering with all of the local kids and conducting our own version of the taste test. I have fond memories of the days when soda suddenly went clear. I also have a soft spot in my heart for the summer of the New Coke backlash. Soda seemed so much simpler then.
Today I'm overwhelmed by the cola wars, so overwhelmed I have actually started to crave tap water.
Is Coca Cola ZERO the new New Coke of today? What is ZERO anyway? If I wanted Cherry Coke shouldn't I just drink Dr. Pepper? If I wanted Lime Diet Pepsi wouldn't I just put a lime in it? What's up with that new Sprite? Why can't I get Diet Caffeine Free Vanilla Coca-Cola? Where did C2 suddenly go? Why does Coca Cola with Lemon taste like Mountain Fresh Liquid Tide?
So many questions, I know, which brings me to my point. I dont think this non committal over stimulated choiced out world is ready for another Pepsi Challenge, do you?
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I agree.. I've been getting the same spam and have been completely lost in grocery soda aisle these days. Why do coke and pepsi even need a gimmick? don't they have more money than God?
I am ten days soda free. This post made me yearn a little, but for now that empty spot in me is still being left to ache.
As I write this, I just finished a Diet Cherry Vanilla Dr. Pepper. I'm not kidding. Is it possible to combine more flavors into one can? Were they being ironic with their Pepsi Challenge e-mail? Still, I'll play along. If those were the only two options, I'm a Coke girl.
my head is spinning... i like options, what blogger doesn't? but the soda companies have gotten out of control. I'm drinking a "Pepsi Lime" right now and it is vile, like a lime green lollipop in brown sugar flavored water.
First to Ethan: I am sure that Pepsi or Coke started the rumor, but my desire to one day procreate has forever put me off Mountain Dew.
Second to all: Isn't it amazing that Coke and Pepsi spent the last fifty years and countless trillions on marketing when, in the end, if you are in a restaurant and order a coke, if the waitress says, "Is Pepsi alright?" you always say "whatever"
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Second to all: Isn't it amazing that Coke and Pepsi spent the last fifty years and countless trillions on marketing when, in the end, if you are in a restaurant and order a coke, if the waitress says, "Is Pepsi alright?" you always say "whatever"
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