Tuesday, August 23, 2005
500 Channels And...
When I first heard about the show Tommy Lee Goes to College I was like WTF! Having never been a Motley Crue or Tommy Lee fan I shrugged off the show as more mindless mid summer TV junk. Then I watched tonight's episode and I'm shocked that I actually liked it. It is refreshing see a celebrity being forced to work hard while being kicked around by college kids (after all, how many 18 year olds really care about Tommy Lee?).
In tonight's episode Tommy Lee had to learn how to be a drummer in the school marching band. I am sure you are thinking, yeah right, he's a drummer how hard can that be? But he had to work really hard to learn how to play the marching music and learn how to do all of the floor routines (and lets not forget the uniform). After a lot of hard work he prevailed.
It is not everyday that you get to see a celebrity working hard. I think there are bunch of celebrities out there that can do with a good dose of humility and take a page from Tommy's book.
Here are some other shows that in my opinion are rising above the late summer clutter. At the very least they are a nice break from the depression that Six Feet Under left us in.
Over There
Greg the Bunny
the Festival
Hopeless Pictures
Rescue Me
Battlestar Galactica
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Speaking of FX... "It's always Sunny in Philadelphia." Starring Charlie Day. Hate to say it, kinda funny.
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