Sunday, November 12, 2006


Mini Cup

I'm going through significant World Cup withdrawal, and apparently I'm not the only one. This weekend DN and I attended the Viking Cup. Its a round robin tournament for soccer fans playing the game in teams representing their country of origin.

One of the attendees filled me in that even though most of the teams there were of Swedish background, they organized themselves to, at least, represent some of Europe. A Swedish team pretended to be Swiss and a mixed team represented what looked like to be Croatian uniforms. There was however one team that stood out. The ITALIANS of course!

After a day of gaming it came to down to two teams, and even though a France v. Italy rematch would have been great deep in heart of Queens, the finalist were the Swedish pretending to be Swiss verses the Italians. Guess who won? The Italians!

The best part of the day though was when I got hit in the leg with a ball gone fowl. I'm a little bruised but the Italian apology made it worth it. Ahhhh, only in Queens. Only in Queens.

Quotes of the day:

Xtine to DN: "I hope one of their balls hit me in the face"
DN faking the voice of her son to a blonde Swede: "Are you my daddy?"
Sweed#22 to Italian #11: "Svsaai Yaaaa Zvaa Edinswen" (or something like that)
Italian #11 to Italian #22: "Paolo! F%@K! Shut It, F&@K, Ass..."

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