Tuesday, January 31, 2006


Damn that Awards Show Music!

Well, awards season has officially begun (it actually started several weeks ago but I have been in denial). Its that time of year where Hollywood chooses to congratulate itself for mediocre performances, sloppy directing and nonsensical plotlines. Hollywood, the only biz that feels the need awards itself incessantly, is bracing for another great year of red carpet gossip, back stage chuckles and Governors Ball indigestion. And we, the viewers, eat it up like Godiva chocolate. So on the day that Oscar noms are announced I feel it is important to take pause and reflect apon the abomination that is award shows.

For the most part I can handle the technical glitches, the right of center bad jokes in host monologues and even the occasional undeserving actor/actress/director/picture win. What I have a HUGE problem with is award show theme music circa 1972 that finds its way in every break out to and in from commercial. Go ahead, take a moment to locate the tune in your brain. I know its there.

"Da-nat Da-nat donnn-nnaaaaaa, Da-nat Da-nat Da-nat donnn-nnaaaaaaa" is what it sort if sounds like. Its stale, its boring, it was old when shoulder pads were in fashion and it must go away. Every show from the Academy Awards, to the Golden Globes to SAG has some version of this horrid song. And I say enough or ready!

Rest assured though, there is one show out there that I am certain will NOT I repeat NOT play such audio Blasphemy. Fingers crossed.

Praise be to Tivo!

Do you think TiVo will announce a way to program their sets so that it only actually records the announcements of the winners and eliminates all the fluff that happens otherwise? That'd be swell!
How ugly is that award trophy. I've had more attractive little league trophies. If I won a Golden Globe, I'd be forced to hide it in a closet or under my sink.
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