Monday, December 19, 2005


Concert of The Year

Each show I saw this year was beautiful in its own way. Especially Coldplay for making yellow balloons fall from the sky and Depeche Mode for reminding me that DM is still my one true love. (And of course all concerts in Madison Square Garden do have a special effect on people).

But in end it was U2 for requiring the audience to have a conscience that wins out as #1.

The best Concert of 2005...

U2 Vertigo Tour

The Xtinefiles 2005 Best of Concerts:

#1. U2
#2. Coldplay Twisted Logic Tour and Depeche Mode Touring the Angel TIED
#3: The Killers
#4: Keane
#5: Nightmare of You

missed the U2 show? Buy the DVD here

For me, the list would look something like...

1. Depeche Mode
2. Depeche Mode
3. Depeche Mode
4. Depeche Mode
5. Depeche Mode

But, I didn't see too many concerts this year
Kevin- how right you are!
i approve, having just watched that Vertigo DVD, woah, that "Bullet The Blue Sky" gave me chills. (But I think I've seen enough of Mysterious Ways, they could retire that one, otherwise it was an exceptional show. and yes asking the audience to think politically almost made up for Bono lack of influence during the election (i now think he knew it was a futile situation.)
Agree with kevin, all the way. If you had put DM any lower than no. 2 I would have to ream you out!! Haha!
Mandy - Kevin, its is still only monday...have no fear...many more lists to come...will DM appear? wait and see.
I await the inclusion of DM in some way, shape, or form with baited breath.

Oh, and The Killers would have been a good show, I'm sure. I really like them.
Coldplay was an awesome show!
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