Tuesday, July 12, 2005


Girl, You Snarky

I always love when words emerge into the mainstream pop culture vocabulary (remember Bling Bling?). I first heard this word the other day used in a sentence (yo MBP!). Then suddenly I heard it again, and again, and again- it is spreading across the country faster than the speed of sound.

Apparently this word was first recorded in England in 1906, and has since been labeled as British Slang. Well, it seems the word has crossed the pond and is finally getting its due. In fact it was recently used in NY TIMES article, "The Stars of Reality TV Are Snarky, Whiny and Loud. But They Look Fabulous."

So here it is, use it wisely:

Snarky - When the word "bitchy" is too negative, use "snarky."
(adjective) describes a witty mannerism, personality, or behavior that is a combination of sarcasm and cynicism

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